Measures the breadth of distribution of a product. Kind of like % of stores selling, but bigger stores get heavier weight. A point of distribution in the Total US is worth more than a point of distribution in Chicago, which is worth more than a point of distribution in Des Moines. Keep in mind that just because an item is authorized does not mean it is in distribution. The item must scan at least once during the period to be counted as in distribution. NOTE: %ACV Distribution is NOT additive across products, markets, or periods! See All Commodity Volume (ACV) definition for more details about that component of this measure.
What to learn more? Read our full article on this important measure:
I am working with data that includes, product SKUs, markets, sales values, no of dealers and weighted distribution. I need to analyze the distributions. As no of dealers and weighted distribution (which is % ACV Distribution) is not additive, I could not present the same in charts. Can you suggest some techniques using the Weighted Distributions to analyze the distribution.
Take a look elsewhere in this blog for Robin Simon’s article titled Total Distribution Points: Master of All Distribution Measures. This would be your best alternative approach for product groups where you don’t have % ACV Distribution available. If you click on the Know Your Measures: Distribution category, you will see that article listed.
Can we use ACV information to see if a promotion has been run for a category?
Yes! %ACV is available for each of the promotion tactics. That is good to use when trending individual weeks over time, to see how much of the trade gave your brand support every week. If you are looking at a longer time period you should look at CWW (also known as Weighted Weeks).
Great article. Question: What’s the main difference between % ACV Distribution & % ACV with Merchandising?
% ACV with Merchandising is the subset of distribution where you have some type of trade promotion present during that period. For this metric, “merchandising” is defined as shelf price reduction, retailer feature ad and/or secondary display.