Stores that have either Display, Feature, TPR or any combination of these merchandising conditions at any point during a specific period are counted in measures with “Any Promo.”
In Nielsen/IRI, the term “Promo” is comparable to “Merchandising”. So % Dollars Any Promo is equivalent to % Dollars Any Merchandising.
Reference articles: Beginner’s Guide to Trade Merchandising Measurement
What are some key/ most important metrics you would recommend to analyse when looking at pricing & promotion? using IRI & Nielson
You may want to spend some time looking through the various blog posts we have on pricing and trade promotion. Here are some to start with:
Q. What’s your retail price? A. It depends!
The Beginner’s Guide to Trade Merchandising Measurement
In terms of specific measures…it depends on what the purpose is of the
analysis. Here’s a quick list:
– Average price
– Base price
– Promoted price (by tactic)
– % Discount (by tactic)
– Quantity of merchandising (by tactic) – %ACV, CWW (cume weighted weeks)
Hope this helps!