Measures how much display activity took place during weeks when there was also a feature. You want as much display as possible to happen when features are also happening, as the impact of the 2 tactics together is always higher than when display happens alone, assuming the same price point.
Calculated as (weeks of Feature & Display)/(weeks of Any Feature). Display Execution ranges between 0-100% and higher is better.
Question: If I just want to see display support of feature by chain in Nielsen, what would be the best way to see the percentage of display execution?
I’ve only seen the custom measure “Display Execution” on the database at one big client of mine. Luckily you can calculate it using facts that are most likely already on your database. It’s probably best to do this for specific individual weeks. The calculation is (%ACV Feat & Disp) / (%ACV Any Feature). Depending on how the facts are organized on your database, you may have to dig around to find the promotion condition “Any Feature.” If you are looking at a longer period, then use CWW instead of %ACV.
So if I wanted to see how we stacked up for DSoF YTD against a couple other target brands it would be a manual calculation of (%ACV Feat & Disp) / (%ACV Any Feature)? Is that correct?
What is DSoF? If you are trying to calculate what share of your features are accompanies by displays than I believe your calculation is correct.