Physical volume of product sold at retail expressed in a common unit relevant to the category. Use when comparing products of different sizes. Some common EQ units are pounds (LBS), gallons, ounces, cases. Most often used by Operations, also by Marketing and Sales.
Reference articles: How Do I Calculate EQ Sales, Ways To Measure Sales.
Dear Robin,
I really like CPG data insight sheet monthly article. This month I found good business article very informative. I have query how to calculate equivalized sale? If, there is any formula please send me. I want to pursue my career in category management. Do you also provide some online courses where I could participate?
Look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Meeta Agarwal
Oxford, UK
Thanks for contacting us! I’m glad you are finding the CPG Data Tip Sheet useful. At this time we do not have any online training, but that could be a future offering.
Click here to see how to calculate equivalized sales.
– Robin
How often does your newsletter come out and how is it different than what is on your website. I just subscribed – excited to receive!
Thanks for your subscription! Our “newsletter” is just the feed from the blog. So the content is exactly the same. It’s merely a matter of convenience for you. If you subscribe, when we post a new article (which is every 3-4 weeks), you will get it in your inbox. Since we don’t post on a regular schedule, subscribing means you don’t have to remember to go back and check the website to look for new articles.