% increase in sales (in $ or volume) obtained due to retailer merchandising. Calculated as (Incremental/Base) x 100.
This is a good article to start understanding promotion metrics and lift in syndicated data. We have lots of other articles on this topic! Check the tags and categories for more.
Say that a display is only present in 25% ACV in a chain where my brand has base sales of $300 in the “display” stores and $1500 chain-wide. Incremental sales from display = $150. Will IRI report a sales lift of 250/300 = 50%, or $150/$1500 = 10%? Assume 1 week time frame, all stores equal size.
Val, Most databases would include both lift calculations. There would be a general promotional lift which would use total base volume as the denominator. And there would be a display lift that would use display stores as the denominator. If you don’t have the lift metric but you have incremental volume and base volume by promotion condition, you can calculate the promotion specific lifts.