One of the geographies available from Nielsen, it stands for “eXtended All Outlet Combined.” It includes the following channels: Food/Grocery, Drug, Mass Merchandisers, Walmart, Club Stores (BJ’s and Sam’s), Dollar Stores (Dollar General, Family Dollar, Fred’s Dollar), Military DECA (commissaries).
Also see MULO.
Reference article: Multi-Channel Markets Available from Nielsen & IRI
What does XAOC-NC mean in Nielsen
I don’t know! Now that Nielsen does have an xAOC that includes Convenience, I supposed NC could be “no convenience”. The safest thing is to contact Nielsen and ask.
Does xAOC now include Convenience store data?
There is a version of xAOC with Convenience and one without. If you just see “xAOC”, probably does not include but never hurts to ask. If it includes convenience, the market name should be “xAOC Incl Conv”.
What would xAOC Rem refer in relation to market share and bps change
xAOC Rem is part of the name of a market, so it means the same thing for all facts that you would look at, like market share or bps (which I assume means “basis point change” or just point change in market share). This would only appear in a Nielsen database – xAOC is the largest market that Nielsen provides. For example if you are looking at Ahold Corp. and then Ahold Corp. xAOC Rem the 2nd market contains all the retailers that Nielsen covers (so not Costco and a few others) except Ahold in Ahold’s geography as they define it themselves. You may also see a geography called Ahold Corp. Rem – that would only have Food retailers in Ahold’s trading area, no other channels. Here’s one more kind of odd thing: For retailers that are not in the Food channel (like a Dollar chain), the Rem geography (without xAOC in the name) still only contains Food retailers.