Regular Price
Usually used to describe price a shopper pays when a product is not on sale. There is no measure called this, but Base Price should be used.
Transforming your syndicated data into business insight
Each retailer trading area offered by Nielsen/IRI also has a “remaining market”. The remaining market represents that retailer’s competition in that geographic region. This remaining market is important for benchmarking. To create the remaining market for a retailer, IRI and Nielsen include all competitive stores physically located within the boundaries of that retailer’s trading area. […]
Measures how fast a product is moving in the stores where it is in distribution. Use when comparing across markets, when comparing products with different distribution levels. Used most often by Sales (in item ranking reports). Calculated by dividing some measure of sales (e.g. Units or Dollars) by the market’s All Commodity Volume in millions. […]
Measures how fast a product is moving in the stores where it is in distribution. Use only within a market or retailer, when comparing products with different distribution levels. Used most often by Sales (in item ranking reports). Calculated by dividing some measure of sales (e.g. Units or Dollars) by some measure of distribution (e.g. […]